The crystal is housed in a metal holder and put on display. One, in particular, is a red crystal, likely a Kyber crystal, which is what powers the Jedi’s lightsabers. While the camera follows Luke around in his hut on the island of Ahch-To in the movie, there are some things to keep an eye out for. There’s no need to spoil the finer details of Star Wars: The Last Jedi here, but if you haven’t seen it yet and don’t want to know anything at all, turn back now. Warning: minor spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Yes, while it can’t be confirmed just yet, it looks like the beloved figure from Star Wars Legends may be making the trip to the new Star Wars canon. And he may very well have given hardcore Star Wars fans one big, shiny gift in the form of finally making Darth Revan canon. No matter how you feel, it’s hard to deny that director Rian Johnson made a very dense and rich movie with a lot to look out for. So far, Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been divisive among fans, even if critics seem to love it almost universally.